Articles — hormones

Ridha Arem
Trans-Dermal HRT Reduces the risk for gallbladder disease

Trans-Dermal HRT Reduces the risk for gallbladder disease

Commonly used forms of hormonal replacement therapy for the treatment of menopausal symptoms include oral forms taken as pills or trans-dermal forms directly applied to the skin. Often, the trans-dermal preparations are used in the form of patches which are applied to the skin once or twice weekly and slowly release the hormones into the bloodstream. There is also a less commonly used form, which is a gel that is rubbed onto the skin once daily. Benefits of taking hormone replacement therapy include relief of symptoms of menopause along with a reduced risk for bone fracture. Studies in the past...

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Ridha Arem
Sex & your thyroid: hormones of desire

Sex & your thyroid: hormones of desire

Did you know that thyroid hormone excess may have a direct effect on the brain chemicals that regulate sexual interest? Hyperthyroidism can cause a hypomanic state and increase sexuality in women. A hyperthyroid man, on the other hand, loses the patience to engage in foreplay to excite his partner. Conversely, there is a lack of sexual interest during hypothyroidism in women due to the lower estrogen levels. And during hypothyroidism in men the low sex drive story is the same. Moreover, both sexes can be affected by fatigue, making them too tired to engage in sex. If hypothyroidism occurs with...

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Ridha Arem
Compounded versus bioidentical hormonal replacement

Compounded versus bioidentical hormonal replacement

The hormonal changes of menopause result in changes in metabolism and body composition, and many women find it difficult to lose weight. Additionally, women may experience a wide variety of symptoms such as anxiety, cognitive issues, hot flashes, sleep disturbances, and vaginal dryness. Menopause also can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, and metabolic syndrome. Hormonal replacement therapy can help the metabolic changes and can improve the symptoms associated with menopause. Estrogen therapy can also prevent significant bone loss after menopause. However, there are potential side effects including breast cancer and clotting issues that women need to...

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Dr. Arem's 10 steps to thyroid wellness

Dr. Arem's 10 steps to thyroid wellness

Do you suffer from fatigue? Are you irritable, depressed, anxious, or panicky? Do you feel cold or hot when others don't? Are you forgetful or have problems focusing? Do you have sleep problems? Are you struggling weight gain? Are you listless? If you answered "yes" to some or all of these questions, it's very likely that you have a thyroid issue. Dr. Arem recommends the following 10 steps for anybody striving for optimal thyroid wellness. Dr. AREM'S 10 STEPS TO THYROID WELLNESS 1. Balancing your thyroid hormones It is a good measure to test your thyroid hormone levels and receive...

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