Protein Boost Diet
"In my 30+ years of experience taking care of thyroid patients, lasting weight loss remains the number one challenge they struggle with to this day. They often blindly follow popular diets such as the Paleo or South Beach diet. The problem with these diets is that they do not take a holistic approach to achieving and maintaining optimal efficiency of metabolism regulating hormones. Even though they may lose some weight on these diets, thyroid patients often relapse and continue on a resilient weight gain trend regardless of their efforts to get rid of their extra weight. For this reason, I designed the Protein Boost Diet which takes into account immune system reactivity to foods and respects several fundamentals, all conducive to healthy, sustainable weight loss."
-- Ridha Arem, M.D.

The Protein Boost Diet
is the only diet that combines all the scientific fundamentals of different diets that have been shown to be effective in losing weight

High Quality Protein

High Fiber

Low Glycemic
At each meal include the right amount of high quality protein that provides the best amino acid profile for speedy metabolism
Vegetables and the right amount of legumes in every meal so that the daily intake of fiber exceeds 30g
Meals and meal constituents to be low glycemic and low in simple sugars

Immune System Friendly Foods

Good Fats

NO Trans or Saturated Fats
Avoidance of foods that irritate the immune system such as gluten, dairy, etc. The use of food sensitivity testing is helpful in this regard.
As for any perfected Mediterranean diet, one needs to include in each meal, good fats such as olive oil, avocados etc.
These fats are hyper-caloric and detrimental to metabolism and health
The Protein Boost DietTM fundamentals are implemented at the Texas Thyroid Institute
Science Based Diet
Fat burn and metabolism are regulated by a complex hormonal system
which includes hormones such as thyroid hormone, leptin, ghrelin, growth hormone and insulin. This is why people who struggle with weight gain often have insulin, leptin, and thyroid hormone resistance as well as a general state of body inflammation.
The Protein Boost Diet is an immune system-friendly perfected Mediterranean diet
slightly high in proteins, fiber, and low-glycemic, designed to enhance the efficiency of fat burn promoting hormones. The meal plan of the Protein Boost Diet takes into account food sensitivities in order to reduce immune system reactivity and body inflammation.
The Protein Boost Diet is therefore the diet of choice for people suffering from autoimmune thyroid disease such as Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and hypothyroidism
It is important to note that if this diet works for thyroid patients who have the most stubborn metabolisms, it will work for anyone who struggles with weight problems regardless of the root cause of the weight issue. All the fundamentals of the diet are conducive to speedy metabolism and efficient, healthy weight loss. One of the Best Diet Advices from new books in 2013 by Spry Living, The Protein Boost Diet book details the eating plan, the scientific basis behind the diet as well as all the practical measures and tips that people can use to make their weight loss a permanent success.
Read what the experts have to say about the Protein Boost Diet
"The Protein Boost Diet embraces the principles of a low glycemic index, Mediterranean and high-protein diet, a combination proven by science to be the best diet for long-term health as well as weight control. It's no only easy, it's delicious."
– Jennie Brand-Miller, Ph.D., author of The Low GI Diet
“If you have struggled with unexplained weight gain, you cannot afford to ignore this book!"
– Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D., author of Women, Weight and Hormones
Hear these inspiring success stories from Dr. Ridha Arem's patients
Listen to National media interviews on Dr. Arem's diet
Let's put the Protein Boost Diet to work
Protein Boost Diet Meal Structure


3 Meals Per Day


Spice it Up
At each meal include the right amount of high quality protein that provides the best amino acid profile for speedy metabolism
Include all 4 in each meal
See below for details
Spices are rich in Potent Antioxidants

Plant Based Favorites
- Beans (Lentils, Chickpeas, etc.)
- Gluten-Free Grains (Quinoa, Amaranth, Brown Rice)
- Gluten-Free Cereals (Oats) + Milk (Soy, Almond, Oat)
- Tofu

Non Vegan Alternatives
- Seafood
- Fish (Tilapia, Mahi Mahi, Flounder, Haddock, etc.)
- Lean Meat
- Game Meat
- Egg White

- Combine protein sources as much as possible
- Lunch: Plant-based proteins as a primary source of protein to ensure high fiber intake and excellent amino acid profile
- Amounts based on total caloric intake required to achieve weight loss (Take into account physical activity, exercise, etc…)
- Occasionally, and if you have no dairy sensitivities, you may use cottage, ricotta, feta, or goat cheese in very small amounts

High Protein
High Fiber
Low Fructose
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Asparagus
- Brussel Sprouts
- Mushrooms
- Okra
- Zucchini
- Chives
- etc.

- At least 1 ½ cups for breakfast, 2 for lunch, and 4 cups for dinner
- Ad Lib amounts of cucumber, cabbage, celery, lettuce, bok choy, radicchio, spinach, and eggplant
- Limit vegetables rich in fructose such as artichokes, kale, turnips, carrots, and seaweed

Good Fats
- Olive Oil
- NO butter
- Chia Seeds
- Flaxseeds
- Avocado
- Olives
- Nuts
- etc.

- NO Butter

- Strawberries
- Blueberries
- Blackberries
- Raspberries

- Grapefruit
- Papaya
- Apple
- Peach

- Do not exceed 1 cup of fruit per meal
- Avoid fruits in fructose and simple sugar (bananas, dates, oranges, grapes, cherries, kiwi, etc.)
- Avoid fruits at bedtime

Rich In Potent Antioxidants
Paprika, black pepper, turmeric, cumin, caraway, garlic, oregano, rosemary, saffron, cinnamon
ThyroLife Protein Shake 1200-1500 Calorie Weight Loss Plan

Dr. Arem's additional weight loss fundamentals


Healthy sleep cycles are critical to your hormones and weight. For successful weight loss, it is necessary to address and correct any sleep issue you may have:
Sleep Apnea
Sleep Fragmentation
It is also necessary to practice regular sleeping habits:
Try to sleep at least 8 hours uninterrupted
Try to go to bed at the same time every night
Keep your bedroom as dark as possible
No electronics at least an hour before going to bed
Why We Sleep and Sleep To Win are two great books to learn about the importance of sleep in every aspect of your life

Dr. Arem's easy 20/10 Exercise Program
Achieve Maximum Benefits in Minimal Time
20 min aerobic exercise + 10 minutes structured strength training = 30 minutes a day
Stress contributes to inflammation & weight gain so engage in one or more of the many relaxation techniques to keep a healthy, stress-free state of mind:


Tai Chi

- Rebalance hormonal issues (thyroid hormone, sex hormones, growth hormone, etc. )
- Start viewing poor eating habits as serious addictions similar to alcoholism or other drug addictions
- Train your emotional brain to associate pleasure and satisfaction with eating foods conducive to speedy metabolism
- Avoid counter-productive habits such as smoking, looking at your phone or computer screen before going to bed, or late night binge eating
- Cook more and pay special attention to incorporating more fiber into every meal or snack (most people underestimate what a minimum daily fiber intake of 30g is!)
- Drink plenty of water
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