Texas Thyroid Institute
Dr. Arem's Expertise
Dr, Arem has developed an expertise in diagnosing and treating various forms of autoimmune thyroid conditions including Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Graves disease, as well as thyroid cancer and rarer conditions.
Dr. Arem has long developed a comprehensive mind body approach in his management of thyroid patients, which includes addressing the mental aspects of thyroid imbalance, using innovative individual thyroid treatment with precise dosage titration of medication, and proving lifestyle and nutritional counseling.
Dr. Arem's Approach
Dr. Arem’s approach emphasizes the use of antioxidants, mind body techniques, and complete health and nutrition. He also provides comprehensive counseling on the use of hormones including estrogen / progesterone replacement therapy for women going through the hormonal transition or who are menopausal.
Dr. Arem addresses the entire spectrum of conditions and suffering often associated with thyroid disorders. At the institute, he provides a comprehensive weight loss program including diet and counseling for successful, long-term weight loss.
Dr. Arem's services
Thyroid Disorders

We look at your thyroid system meticulously to give you the right diagnosis and an individualized treatment program that will make you feel at your best and reach perfect thyroid balance. Your treatment will be individualized based on your symptoms, exam and blood tests. The goal is to mimic what your thyroid gland normally does, but it does not end there. We also provide treatment and monitoring of thyroid cancer.
Hormone Replacement

We will individualize your hormonal treatment needs based on your symptoms and hormone levels. We use bioidentical hormones (the same hormone molecules that your body naturally produces) in the right form. We prescribe both a pharmaceutical form of bioidentical hormones or compounded forms of bioidentical hormone depending on your individual needs.
The Protein Boost DietTM program

We look for the core reason for the weight gain. If you have become overweight, regardless of the reason, you are certainly suffering from a multi-hormonal disorder which is the consequence of the weight gain. You will be given dietary guidelines according to the Protein Boost DietTM, designed by Ridha Arem M.D. to help you reverse these hormone malfunctions. The result is successful weight loss and optimal health. The fundamentals of the Protein Boost DietTM eating plan combine specific guidelines with respect to protein intake at each meal to provide you with the best amino acid profile that has been shown scientifically to boost fat burn at the mitochondria and help achieve successful weight loss. Another important fundamental of the program consists of specific dietary instructions concerning specific foods rich in fiber and this includes specific amounts of legumes, vegetables and fruits. That will give you a total amount of fiber equivalent to 35-40g on a daily basis as well as precise fiber content at breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Protein Boost DietTM dietary guidelines also include other important fundamentals such as low glycemic meals and inclusion of specific amounts of good fats at each meal. The combination of ingredients used at each meal in the Protein Boost DietTM eating plan makes this diet unique and conducive to healthy weight loss and helps with reducing systemic inflammation and insulin resistance. The Protein Boost DietTM program implemented in Dr. Arem’s practice includes other important pillars such as:
- Assessment and management of food sensitivities.
- Individualized counseling on sleep, including evaluation of possible sleep disorders such as sleep apnea.
- Incorporation or relaxation techniques in your lifestyle for stress management.
- Utilization of individualized supplementation of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and other dietary supplements.
- Thorough individualized hormonal evaluation including, if necessary, sex hormone, growth hormone, thyroid hormone and management of any hormonal dysfunction.
In essence, the Protein Boost DietTM program implemented in Dr. Arem’s practice for the purpose of managing weight issues is a multifaceted comprehensive program that can help you achieve and maintain optimal healthy metabolism.
Endocrine Disorders

We have a special interest in detecting and diagnosing other endocrine disorders (hormonal disorders) other than thyroid malfunctions. Are you suffering from chronic fatigue? This could be caused by adrenal insufficiency or growth hormone deficiency. Growth hormone deficiency in adults can cause: fatigue, weight gain, irritability, depressive symptoms, and metabolic syndrome.

We offer patients same-day and in-house ultrasound for the diagnosis and detection of thyroid disease including thyroid nodules as well as for monitoring of thyroid nodules (growths) long-term and for monitoring of patients with thyroid cancer.
In-House Lab testing

- On-site laboratory testing for the thyroid and other endocrine systems
- Dynamic challenge testing of pituitary functions (i.e. growth hormone)
- Dynamic stimulation testing for the pituitary thyroid system
- Stimulation testing of the adrenal system
- Antioxidant testing
- Food sensitivity testing