
Ridha Arem
Quick tips for detoxing

Quick tips for detoxing

 Are you in need of a detox? Do you constantly feel tired, have mental sluggishness, or suffer from frequent illnesses, infections, and even allergies? A buildup of toxins can cause gastrointestinal issues such as slow elimination and bloating. Skin irritations and puffy eyes can accompany these symptoms, and women often report menstrual irregularities as well. We often contribute to the burden placed on our body through overindulgence in cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, saturated fats and refined sugars. Additional chemicals, such as artificial food additives, beauty products, household cleaners, and environmental pesticides can also contribute to your toxin load. Soon, the body...

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Ridha Arem
  • Tags: t3
The importance of avoiding too much t3

The importance of avoiding too much t3

Most conventional doctors in the United States and in the world treat thyroid imbalance with T4, Synthroid or another preparation. There is a minority, however, that treat the thyroid imbalance with huge amounts of Armour thyroid (a medication that combines the two thyroid hormones, T4 and T3). While adding T3 to your thyroid treatment can improve some of your symptoms and is an important component of Dr. Arem’s thyroid program, it should be noted that treating hypothyroidism with Armour thyroid alone can result in thyroid hormone overmedication. Armour thyroid contains more T3 than the body needs when prescribed in high...

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Ridha Arem
The weight-loss supplement program

The weight-loss supplement program

SUPPLEMENTS For optimal fat burn and weight loss as well as for optimal thyroid and immune system health, it is important that you take on a daily basis the right amount of all necessary vitamins, antioxidants, micronutrients, and ingredients. All of these are included as a complete, yet simple supplement program. Not only these supplements will help your metabolism, but also they will support your immune system and will keep your thyroid gland healthy and will make thyroid hormone work more efficiently in your body. SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM Thyrolife Optima: 3 capsules with (or at the end of) breakfast = complete...

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Ridha Arem
The fundamentals of the Thyrolife Protein Boost Diet

The fundamentals of the Thyrolife Protein Boost Diet

Most diets out there tend to focus on one specific fundamental such as low-glycemic or high protein all while ignoring other important fundamentals. You may initially lose weight on these diets but will ultimately have a hard time keeping the weight off simply because these diets are imbalanced and do not take into account important pillars necessary for effective, long term weight loss. When you become overweight or obese, regardless of the cause, the hormones that regulate your body fat become imbalanced as a result of the weight gain. This imbalance can be observed at both the tissue and cell...

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