Articles — weight loss

Ridha Arem
Why blueberries are one of my favorite fruits for healthy thyroid and optimal weight loss

Why blueberries are one of my favorite fruits for healthy thyroid and optimal weight loss

For people who engage in a weight loss program, they need to be aware that many fruits can promote weight gain and even weight loss resistance because they may contain high amounts of fructose and simple sugars that promotes insulin release and fat storage. Of all the fruits, my favorite ones are the berries because they contain less fructose than many other fruits. But that is not the only reason. Berries in general are high in fiber and contain tremendously beneficial antioxidants that help overall health, well-being, and optimal metabolism. In the ThyroLife Protein Boost Diet that I advocate for...

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Ridha Arem
Proper supplementation for optimal weight loss

Proper supplementation for optimal weight loss

Because weight and thyroid wellness are so interconnected, Dr. Arem also recommends a comprehensive and well-balanced mix of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and other ingredients that have the ability to promote the removal of free radicals and decrease body inflammation. Indeed, body inflammation promotes slow metabolism and a difficulty losing weight. Taking a well-balanced mix of these ingredients will make thyroid hormone and leptin work more efficiently to speed up your metabolism and burn more calories, even at rest. Many vitamin and antioxidant-based supplements are available, but most are either unbalanced, unsafe, incomplete or some combination of the three. This is...

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Ridha Arem
Emotion and mood problems caused by thyroid disease

Emotion and mood problems caused by thyroid disease

Generally, when people think of thyroid problems, they think weight gain, fatigue, hair loss, and dry skin, but do not realize thyroid imbalance leads to many mood change symptoms as well. Women could experience a change in their personality and easily become frustrated. Relationships are affected and partners of people with thyroid disease often do not understand these mood swings. Experiencing stress can make these thyroid symptoms worse. You should have your thyroid checked if you are experiencing several of the following symptoms: Increased irritability Becoming more withdrawn and wanting to be alone Feeling a strong need for attention from...

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