For optimal fat burn and weight loss as well as for optimal thyroid and immune system health, it is important that you take on a daily basis the right amount of all necessary vitamins, antioxidants, micronutrients, and ingredients. All of these are included as a complete, yet simple supplement program. Not only these supplements will help your metabolism, but also they will support your immune system and will keep your thyroid gland healthy and will make thyroid hormone work more efficiently in your body.
Thyrolife Optima: 3 capsules with (or at the end of) breakfast = complete well-balanced mix of antioxidants, vitamins, essential minerals, and many in ingredients designed to reduce free radicals and inflammation, and to promote health of the thyroid gland and support the immune system.
Probiotic 7-7: 3-5 capsules in the morning right before breakfast for immune system support, reduction of GI inflammation, and to help you with your weight loss efforts = Mix of 7 important probiotics to rebalance bacterial flora.
Thyrolife Omega (DHA/EPA): 2 soft gels in the morning with ThyroLife Optima = For immune system support and optimal metabolism.