Articles — thyroid
Ridha Arem
80% of people with thyroid conditions are women…but why?
One of the most perplexing questions about autoimmune thyroid disease addresses this frequency of disorders among women. Patients with autoimmune thyroid disease are five to ten times more likely to be female. At least one contributing condition is known as fetal microchimerism, which is caused by the passage of cells from a developing fetus into the mother’s body tissues. These cells can persist and even thrive in the mother’s body for decades after she gives birth. The mother’s immune system interprets these cells as invading microorganisms, sometimes triggering an autoimmune response in the process. This process is likely at least...
Ridha Arem
Ridha Arem
Hypothyroidism during pregnancy
Hypothyroidism during pregnancy can impact your health but your future child's health even more. In today’s society, it is important to have a basic understanding of thyroid disease and how much it can affect us because it is so prevalent, yet so under-diagnosed and misunderstood. The thyroid being the energy and metabolism gland, it can hurt our will to perform daily tasks, give us anxiety, make us gain unnecessary weight and feel sluggish and down. Of course, the list goes on… This is especially true given the nutritionally poor American diet, the underestimated and high amount of environmental contaminants and...
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