Why good sleep matters

It is no secret that most people are deprived of restful sleep. Work hours, a busy schedule, or an inability to fall asleep can all play a role in people not getting the right amount of sleep for the body to recover for the next day. Sleep deprivation, even minimal, can contribute to decreased alertness and performance, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, vulnerability to infection, depression, and anxiety. In a recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, sleep loss was found to be a stressor that increased physiological stress perception. Sleep deprivation results in increased morning and evening cortisol levels which slows down metabolism. This, in turn, increases appetite and promotes weight gain. For better sleep quality, Dr. Arem recommends:
  • Avoiding drinking an excess of liquids in the evening
  • Avoiding any stimulants in the evening (caffeine and sugar)
  • Engaging in relaxation techniques to diminish stress
  • Addressing any possible sleep conditions such as sleep apnea or insomnia
  • Taking melatonin if you still have a hard time falling asleep

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